Principal Investigator

Daniel L.M. Suess
B.A. Williams College (2007)
Ph.D. California Institute of Technology (2013)
suess [at]
Administrative Assistants
Joanne Baldini
Administration Pro
jbaldini [at]

Emily Wensberg
Finance Guru
wensberg [at]
Graduate Students

Anna C. Clark
A.B. Harvard College (2023)
acclark [at]

Maria E. F. Grillo
B.S. Yale University (2023)
grillo [at]

Alexandria Hong
B.S. California Institute of Technology (2023)
ayh [at]

Jessica J. Kim
A.B. Harvard College (2019)
M.Phil. University of Cambridge (2020)
jkim01 [at]

Hyunsoo Kim
B.S. Seoul National University (2022)
khyunsoo [at]

Brock E. Leland
B.S. Arizona State University (2022)
beleland [at]

Phitchanaka (Mark) Lertmankha
B.S. Chulalongkorn University (2022)
plert [at]

Matthew E. Ong
B.A. Pomona College (2024)
mong [at]

Weiming Shi
B.S. Peking University (2024)
weimings [at]
Undergraduate Students

Josh Lian
B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (expected 2025)

Titus Tsai
B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (expected 2026)
Postdoctoral Researchers

Hyungdo Cho
B.S. Seoul National University (2018)
Ph.D. California Institute of Technology (2024)
hyungdoc [at]

Mackenzie Field
B.S. Simon Fraser University (2017)
Ph.D. University of California, Irvine (2022)
mfield [at]

Tong Wu
B.S. Wuhan University (2018)
Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University (2023)
tongwu97 [at]
Former Group Members
Graduate students:
Edward D. Badding (Ph.D. 2023); current position: postdoctoral researcher in Michelle Chang’s group, Princeton
Trever M. Bostelaar (Ph.D. 2023); current position: postdoctoral researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Alexandra C. Brown (Ph.D. 2023); current position: postdoctoral researcher in Todd Hyster’s group, Princeton
Brittany N. Linn (M.S. 2024); current position: chemist at Numat
Gil Namkoong (Ph.D. 2023); current position: postdoctoral researcher in Emily Balskus’s group, Harvard
Joseph P. Roddy (M.S. 2019); current position: software engineer at Intuit
Brighton A. Skeel (Ph.D. 2024); current position: principal chemist at Ecolab
Arun Sridharan (Ph.D. 2022); current position: research chemist at ExxonMobil
Suppachai Srisantitham (Ph.D. 2023); current position: postdoctoral researcher in F. Akif Tezcan’s group, UC San Diego
Mengshan Ye (Ph.D. 2022); current position: postdoctoral researcher in Jeffrey Long’s group, UC Berkeley
Postdoctoral researchers:
Madeleine Ehweiner (2022-2023); current position: process chemist at Thermo Fisher Scientific
Youngsuk Kim (2021-2022); current position: Assistant Professor, Pusan National University Dept. of Chemistry
Alex McSkimming (2018-2020); current position: Assistant Professor, Tulane University Dept. of Chemistry
Niklas B. Thompson (2018-2021); current position: postdoctoral fellow at Argonne National Laboratory
Undergraduate students:
Anna C. Bair (2020-2023); current position: graduate student, UC Berkeley Dept. Chemistry